T8403 ICS TRIPLEX 可编程序控制器

T8403 ICS TRIPLEX 可编程序控制器

ICS TRIPLEX罗克韦尔系统T8431C T8402 T8151B T8311 T9451 T9402 T8403 T9432 T9451 TC-215-01-6M5 T8480C库存

ockwell Automation已经构建了您所需要的工具,不仅可以管理变更,还可以推动变更。我们对自动化的专注,加上我们深厚的汽车制造经验,意味着我们了解您的世界,以及如何改进它。我们充满激情,将人类的想象力与机器的潜力联系起来,让您的工厂在今天和明天更智能地工作。

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T8403 ICS TRIPLEX 可编程序控制器

ICS TRIPLEX罗克韦尔系统T8431C T8402 T8151B T8311 T9451 T9402 T8403 T9432 T9451 TC-215-01-6M5 T8480C库存

ockwell Automation已经构建了您所需要的工具,不仅可以管理变更,还可以推动变更。我们对自动化的专注,加上我们深厚的汽车制造经验,意味着我们了解您的世界,以及如何改进它。我们充满激情,将人类的想象力与机器的潜力联系起来,让您的工厂在今天和明天更智能地工作。

罗克韦尔自动化公司已达成协议,将以1.1亿英镑(英镑)现金收购工业控制服务集团有限公司(“ICS”)。ICS Triplex是一家为过程工业提供关键控制和安全解决方案的全球领先供应商。凭借40年的经验,ICS Triplex为全球流程工业领域的高可用性、容错应用开发、交付和维护先进的产品和解决方案。

ICS Triplex在截至2007年5月31日的本财政年度的年收入预计约为7000万英镑。罗克韦尔自动化预计,该交易将略微稀释第一个完整财政年度的每股收益,此后将增加。ICS Triplex总部位于英国马尔登,拥有500多名员工,业务遍及欧洲、中东、亚洲和北美。ICS Triplex为需要高完整性关键控制的行业提供工程服务、产品和解决方案。这些行业主要包括石油和天然气勘探、生产、运输、炼油以及化工和发电。

罗克韦尔自动化董事长兼首席执行官Keith Nosbusch表示:“ICS Triplex凭借其行业专业知识和强大的客户关系,为我们快速扩张的过程控制和安全解决方案业务提供了重要的战略契合。“石油和天然气以及其他过程工业的ICS客户将受益于罗克韦尔自动化广泛的产品组合和解决方案能力。它还允许我们将ICS的高可用性、容错技术整合到Logix架构中,将该技术扩展到离散和混合工艺应用中。”

ICS Triplex首席执行官Peter Mottershead表示:“40年来,ICS Triplex一直为石油和天然气行业的主要公司提供容错安全和关键控制解决方案。“当我们将这些能力与罗克韦尔自动化作为全球工业自动化控制和信息系统领导者的100年经验和优势相结合时,它应该能够使我们的业务增长,更好地服务于我们的客户。收购ICS的过程已经开始,ICS约96%的普通股所有者和ICS 100%的优先股所有者都做出了不可撤销的承诺,接受这一要约。”

因此,通过英国公开发行,罗克韦尔自动化预计,在收到德国联邦卡特尔办公室的监管批准和满足惯例的关闭条件后,将收购工业控制服务集团有限公司100%的股权。该交易预计将在2007年第三季度完成。ICS Triplex将被纳入控制产品和解决方案运营部门。


Rockwell Automation has built the tools you need not only to manage that change, but to drive it. Our singular focus on automation, combined with our deep automotive manufacturing experience, means that we understand your world, and how to improve on it. We bring a passion to connect the imaginations of people with the potential of machines to make your plant work smarter, today and tomorrow.

Product Categories:

Advanced Process Control
Condition Monitoring & I/O
Design and Operation Software
Distributed Control System
Human Machine Interface
Industrial Control Products
Industrial Network Products
Industrial Sensors
Motion Control
Motor Control Centers
Programmable Controllers
Safety Components
Safety Instrumented System
Drive Systems
Rockwell Automation has reached an agreement by which it will acquire Industrial Control Services Group Limited (“ICS”) for £110 million (British pounds) in cash. ICS trades and does business as ICS Triplex, a leading global supplier of critical control and safety solutions to process industries. With 40 years of experience, ICS Triplex develops, delivers and maintains advanced products and solutions for high availability, fault-tolerant applications in process industry segments worldwide.

ICS Triplex annual revenues are projected to be approximately £70 million for their current fiscal year which ends May 31, 2007. Rockwell Automation expects the transaction to be slightly dilutive to earnings per share in the first full fiscal year and accretive thereafter. Headquartered in Maldon, United Kingdom, ICS Triplex has more than 500 employees and operations across Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America. ICS Triplex provides engineering services, products, and solutions for industries that demand high-integrity critical control. These industries primarily include oil and gas exploration, production, transportation, and refining as well as chemicals and power generation.

“With their industry expertise and strong customer relationships, ICS Triplex provides an important strategic fit for our rapidly expanding process control and safety solutions businesses,” said Keith Nosbusch, chairman and chief executive officer of Rockwell Automation. “ICS customers in oil and gas, and other process industries will benefit from the breadth of Rockwell Automation’s product portfolio and solutions capabilities. It also allows us to incorporate ICS’ high availability, fault-tolerant technology into the Logix architecture extending the reach of this technology into discrete and hybrid process applications.”

“For 40 years, ICS Triplex has provided fault-tolerant safety and critical control solutions to premier companies in the oil and gas industry,” said Peter Mottershead, ICS Triplex chief executive. “As we combine these capabilities with Rockwell Automation’s 100 years of experience and strengths as a global leader in industrial automation control and information systems, it should enable us to grow our business and better serve our customers. The process for acquiring ICS has started with an irrevocable undertaking from the owner of approximately 96% of ICS ordinary shares and the owner of 100% of ICS preference shares to accept this offer.”

Accordingly, by way of a United Kingdom public offer, Rockwell Automation expects, subject to the receipt of regulatory approval from the German Federal Cartel Office and the satisfaction of customary closing conditions, to acquire 100% equity interest in Industrial Control Services Group Limited. The transaction is expected to be completed during the third calendar quarter of 2007. ICS Triplex will be included in the Control Products and Solutions operating segment.

About Rockwell Automation
Rockwell Automation, Inc, is a leading global provider of industrial automation control and information solutions that help manufacturers achieve a competitive advantage in their businesses. The company brings together leading global brands in industrial automation which include Allen-Bradley controls and services and Rockwell Software factory management software. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis., the company employs about 19,000 people serving customers in more than 80 countries.